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Agricultural and Environmental Services

The Agricultural and Environmental Services Division consists of two sections. The division has a wide range of responsibilities under 11 state statutes, including the Bee Act, Pest Control Act, Plant Protection Act, and Pesticide Control Act.

The Entomology and Nursery Industries Section (ENI) works to prevent the introduction and spread of new plant pests that may pose a threat to New Mexico’s agricultural and horticultural industries; to assure horticultural products available to the consumer are healthy and free of pests; and to provide phytosanitary certification services for exporters of plants and plant products.

The Pesticide Compliance Section works to promote safe use of agricultural, horticultural, and structural pesticides and ensure compliance with pesticide law. Activities include applicator certification and licensing, worker protection and safety, pesticide registration, protection of water and endangered species from pesticides, and tip/complaint investigation.

The Hemp Section issues annual and continuous licenses to businesses and individuals cultivating hemp.

The laboratories in the division analyze official pesticide samples collected by inspectors and seed samples submitted by the public.

Brad Lewis, AES Division Director