Please be informed that the NMDA Seed Laboratory Supervisor is retiring effective October 1, 2024. Seed samples must be received in the NMDA Seed Laboratory by September 13, 2024. Any seed samples received after that date will not be tested or returned. We apologize for the inconvenience and your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please check back here for more updates as the state seed laboratory will open once a new certified or registered seed analyst is hired.
The State Seed Laboratory determines the quality of seed used for planting. Seed testing yields information about seed lots for two purposes: to determine if seed being offered for sale meets the guarantee stated on the label and to provide information to the seed industry for labeling purposes.
In addition, the seed lab supervisor is a certified seed analyst (CSA) in hermination and purity testing. The seed lab uses the Association of Official Seed Analysits (AOSA) "Rules for Testing Seeds" but testing rules for OCED, ISTA and Canada can be done upon request.
The lab analyzes samples submitted by the public and other state and federal agencies. It also includes samples from the seed industry as well as official seed samples collected by NMDA inspectors.
Submitting a Sample
When you submit seed for analysis you must include this Seed Sample Submission Form with your sample. Samples without the form will not be analyzed.
You will be billed for the lab’s services. Charges are as follows:
Complete Test | Purity Only | Germ Only | Weed Only | |
Grass Seed | $20 | $12 | $12 | $6 |
All Other Seed | $10 | $6 | $6 | $6 |
TZ Test for Viability | $20 | $20 | $20 | $20 |
Carry-over Vegetable Samples (lots of 10 or more) |
$1 | $1 | $1 | $1 |
Non-routine (dirty seed, other problematic analyses) |
$10/hour | $10/hour | $10/hour | $10/hour |
When submitting a sample to the state seed lab please review the directions and weights listed for testing.
To secure a representative sample, the following procedures shall be followed:
- Obtain access to all seed being sample by taking equal portions from evenly distributed parts.
- Use a probe or trier which will reach all areas of seed being sampled. For hard-to-sample and non-free-flowing seed and screenings, use the hand to withdraw representative samples.
- Individual-bag samples may be taken to determine seed lot uniformity.
- When the seed lot is in bags, sample ten percent (10%) of the bags but never less than five (5) bags.
- For bulk seed, take samples from evenly distributed parts. Take as many cores or handfuls as if the same quantity of seed were in bags.
Amounts required for each test are as follows:
Sample Name | Complete Analysis |
Germination Test |
Sample Name | Complete Analysis | Germination Test |
Alfalfa | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Lovegrass, weeping | 2 oz. | 1 oz. |
Barley | 2 lb. | 3 oz. | Millet, foxtail | 8 oz. | 1 oz. |
Bean, field & garden | 2 lb. | 1 lb. | Millet, pearl | 1 lb. | 1 oz. |
Bermudagrass | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Oats | 2 lb. | 2 oz. |
Bluegrass, Kentucky | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Okra | 2 lb. | 3 oz. |
Bluestem, big | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Onion | 5 oz. | 1 oz. |
Bluestem, little | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Orchardgrass | 2 oz. | 1 oz. |
Bluestem, sand | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Panicgrass, blue | 2 oz. | 1 oz. |
Bluestem, yellow | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Peanut | 2 lb. | 1.25 lb. |
Brome, smooth | 8 oz. | 1 oz. | Peas, field & garden | 2 lb. | 1 lb. |
Broomcorn | 1 lb. | 2 oz. | Penstemon, Rocky Mt. | 2 oz. | 1 oz. |
Buffalograss | 1 lb. | 1 oz. | Pepper | 1 oz. | 1 oz. |
Burnet, little | 1 lb. | 1 oz. | Rye | 2 lb. | 2 oz. |
Carrot | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Ryegrass | 8 oz. | 1 oz. |
Castor bean | 2 lb. | 10 oz. | Sorghum | 2 lb. | 2 oz. |
Clovers | 8 oz. | 1 oz. | Soybean | 2 lb. | 5 oz. |
Corn | 2 lb. | 1 lb. | Sudangrass | 1 lb. | 2 oz. |
Cotton | 2 lb. | 8 oz. | Sweet Clover | 8 oz. | 1 oz. |
Cowpea | 2 lb. | 7 oz. | Switchgrass | 5 oz. | 1 oz. |
Dropseed, sand | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Triticale | 2 lb. | 4 oz. |
Fescue, red | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Vetch, hairy | 2 lb. | 2 oz. |
Fescue, tall | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheat | 2 lb. | 3 oz. |
Grama, black | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheatgrass, crested | 5 oz. | 1 oz. |
Grama, blue | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheatgrass, intermediate | 7 oz. | 1 oz. |
Grama, sideoats | 4 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheatgrass, pubescent | 7 oz. | 1 oz. |
lndiangrass, yellow | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheatgrass, slender | 5 oz. | 1 oz. |
Indian ricegrass | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheatgrass, tall | 7 oz. | 1 oz. |
Lettuce | 5 oz. | 1 oz. | Wheatgrass, western | 5 oz. | 1 oz. |
Lovegrass, sand | 2 oz. | 1 oz. | Tree & Shrub | Inquire | 600 seeds |
The germination and purity of the entire seed lot are determined from your sample.
These analyses are accurate if the sample truly represents the seed lot.
Extreme care must be taken in sampling.
Sample Results
The State Seed Analyst utilizes USA Plants to report sample results. To get your results register as a user on the USA Plants NMDA AES division portal. You’ll need the USA Plants ID and PIN you received when you submitted your sample.
If you have any questions, contact the New Mexico Seed Analyst at 575-646-3407.