USDA Pandemic Assistance for Producers
USDA’s new initiative – USDA Pandemic Assistance for Producers – will establish new programs and efforts to bring financial assistance to a broad set of farmers, ranchers, and producers who felt the impact of COVID-19 market disruptions.
USDA’s Farm Service Agency Microloans
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) developed the microloan program to assist beginning, unique, and small to mid-sized family farm operations with their financial needs. These microloans are beneficial for farmers that often face limited financing options. FSA offers two types of microloans: direct farm ownership and direct farm operating microloans. Eligible applicants may apply for both microloans.
Dumped Milk
For 2020 and 2021 calendar years, Risk Management Agency is allowing Approved Insurance Providers to count dumped milk toward the milk marketings for the Dairy Revenue Protection or actual marketings for the Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy programs regardless of whether the milk was sold.
Crop Insurance Flexibilities
USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) began Coronavirus relief measures in March 2020 to provide program flexibilities in response to industry challenges and requests. RMA is not only continuing applicable relief in its procedures dated June 30, 2022, RMA is also expanding these measures to include relief for producers who are physically unable to report due to reasons other than COVID-19. Producers should continue to work with their Approved Insurance Providers and their crop insurance agents to discuss their crop insurance questions or needs.
Farm Loan Flexibilities
The USDA recognizes that loan-making activities are critical for annual operating and family living expenses, term investments for equipment and livestock, emergency needs, and cash flow, especially in tough times. USDA’s Farm Service Agency is providing additional flexibilities to provide producers with credit options in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Commodity Loan Flexibilities
Producers now have more time to repay Farm Service Agency Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL), as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s implementation of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020. The loans now mature at 12 months rather than nine, and this flexibility is available for most commodities.
Crop Acreage Reporting
Acreage reporting is key to eligibility for many USDA programs, including crop insurance, safety net, disaster assistance, farm loan, and conservation programs. Farm Service Agency (FSA) will work with producers to file timely acreage reports by phone, email, online tools, and virtual meetings. Please contact your local FSA office, as some are accepting in-person appointments.
Animal Mortality
While support for livestock is available through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program in some circumstances, limited markets and processing may cause livestock producers to depopulate herds. USDA NRCS offers assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program to help agricultural producers properly dispose of livestock that were depopulated because of impacts from the coronavirus pandemic. Through the Emergency Animal Mortality Management practice, NRCS helps producers plan and cover part of the cost for disposing of livestock because of an emergency animal mortality event.
SBA Debt Relief
SBA is offering debt relief to existing SBA loan borrowers whose businesses have been impacted by COVID-19. As part of our coronavirus debt relief efforts, the SBA will pay six months of principal, interest, and any associated fees that borrowers owe for all current 7(a), 504, and Microloans reported in regular servicing status (excluding Paycheck Protection Program loans).
Additional Resources:
Farm Credit Administration
Farmers Legal Action Group
New Mexico Economic Development Department Economic Recovery Resources
USDA – Farm Service Agency (New Mexico Office)
USDA – Natural Resource Conservation Service (New Mexico Office)
USDA – Risk Management Agency Coronavirus Resources