New Mexico is a national leader in dairy, ranking in the top 10 in both cheese and milk production over the past several years. New Mexico has over 100 dairy farms that ship milk across state lines. These farms are listed in the FDA Interstate Milk Shipments List by their Bulk Tank Units (BTU). There are several processing plants in the state that produce a wide range of products, including packaged fluid milk to cheese to whey protein concentrate. Every raw milk producer and product is sampled once a month to ensure the food is safe for consumption.
As part of the NMDA Agricultural Production Services Division, the Dairy Bureau inspects all dairy farms and processing plants to ensure that dairy products are free of harmful bacteria and antibiotics. Milk tankers and milk haulers/samplers must obtain a permit to ensure clean transportation vehicles and universal sampling techniques are used. The NMDA Dairy Bureau also reviews and approves all construction plans for dairy farms and milk processing plants. All milk samples are collected by NMDA inspectors.
Dustin Cox, Division Director