The Office of the Director/Secretary establishes policy for the daily operation of the department, serves as the liaison between agricultural producers and state and federal government, and serves on national committees on behalf of agriculture.
Director/Secretary ( Jeff Witte)
The Director/Secretary is the chief executive officer of the department and serves on the New Mexico State University (NMSU) Cabinet and the Administrative Council. Since March 1978, the Director of the New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) has also served as the Secretary of Agriculture on the Governor’s Cabinet. The Director/Secretary is the agricultural industry’s official representative to state and federal government.
Deputy Director (Les Owen)
The Deputy Director manages daily operations of the department and serves as acting director during absences of the Director/Secretary. The Deputy Director acts as the liaison between NMDA and NMSU administration for the department.
Business Support Services (Tammy Bracamonte)
Business Support Services (BSS) oversees budgeting, accounting systems, purchasing, and grant and contract administration.
Government & Public Affairs (Candie Sweetser)
Government affairs acts as the department’s liaison between the state’s legislators, congressional delegation, and other governmental entities. Main responsibilities include monitoring state and federal policy related to agriculture, educating on the behalf of the department’s legislative priorities, and working with industry groups to promote agriculture.
Public Affairs oversees media relations, photography, website, graphic design, publications, special events and social media and provides editorial assistance to the divisions.
Human Resources (Cheryl Mason)
The Human Resource Office contributes to the effective and efficient operation of NMDA through strategic personnel management. This includes leadership, guidance and assistance to our staff, and supporting our collaborative relationship to NMSU.
Industry and Agency Programs ( Vacant )
Serves as NMDA’s liaison to agricultural and industry organizations, state and federal agencies, and constituent groups affiliated with department activities. Addresses emerging issues of importance, serves as a resource advisor on program and policy development, and serves as one of NMDA’s designees to boards, commissions, and other NMSU departments on agricultural issues. Manages a USDA/APHIS cooperative agreement program.
Information Technology & Communications (Tony Marquez)
Information Technology & Communications (ITC) oversees all phases of the information technology needs including policies, procedures, and personnel associated with computer mainframe applications, PCs, servers and software licensing, and cell phones and their applications.
Public Records Requests
New Mexico has a very broad Public Records Law. The deputy director acts as the custodian of public records.
Director's/Secretary’s Office