Egg Dealer
A. A small dealer’s license is required of any person, firm or corporation who buys, sells or traffics. They must buy, sell, or traffic in over five cases and less than 200 cases of eggs in any week.
B. A medium-sized dealer’s license is required of any person, firm or corporation who buys, sells or traffics. They must buy, sell, or traffic in over 200 cases and less than 400 cases of eggs in any week.
C. A large dealer’s license is required of any person, firm or corporation who buys, sells or traffics. They must buy, sell, or traffic in over 400 cases in any one week.
D. The annual fees for each type of dealer are:
- Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
- Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00
- Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
E. For the purpose of this section a case shall consist of thirty [30] dozen eggs.
F. All licenses shall be conspicuously posted in the place of business to which they apply. The license is subject to revocation by the inspectors for cause. All licenses issued prior to the effective date of the Egg Grading Act expire when the act becomes effective. Thereafter all licenses are renewable annually on July 1 of each year. They shall expire on June 30 of the succeeding year.
Ungraded Egg Sales
A. Retailers may sell the eggs specified in section 25-6-6 NMSA 1978 to consumers. This is only when such eggs on hand, offered or placed on sale are clearly marked “ungraded.” Ungraded eggs shall be cartoned when sold at retail.
B. Any person proposing to sell ungraded eggs shall, prior to any such sale, notify the department. This must be in writing of their intent to sell. They must specify their location and the number of laying hens owned or in his possession. They must also list their place of production and the general area of the state where the sales occurs.
C. It is unlawful for anyone selling any portion of his graded eggs to sell any portion as ungraded eggs. The exception is that any person may change his sales from graded to ungraded if he notifies the department. This must be in writing prior to such change.
D. It is unlawful for any person selling any portion of his daily production as ungraded eggs as graded eggs. The exception is that any person may change his sales from ungraded to graded eggs by notifying the department. This must be in writing within five (5) days from the date of change.
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PLEASE NOTE: There is no fee to register to sell ungraded eggs.