Contact: Jenny Green
Communications Specialist, New Mexico Department of Agriculture
Office: 575-646-3060
Cell: 575-202-4249
Feb. 19, 2024
February is National Pesticide Safety Education Month
New Mexico Department of Agriculture reminds the public to read the label
LAS CRUCES, N.M. – The New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) – the agency that regulates pesticides in the state – is using National Pesticide Safety Education Month to remind the public to be safe and always read the labels on pesticide products around your home. Many consumers are unaware of what defines a pesticide and the importance of reading and understanding labels.
“Pesticides aren’t limited to insecticides and herbicides. They also include disinfectants, insect repellent, swimming pool treatments and many other products,” said New Mexico Agriculture Secretary Jeff Witte. “NMDA wants to ensure that New Mexicans are educated when it comes to pesticide use and are staying safe. The first step to safety is reading the label.”
Pesticide product labels state important information related to levels of toxicity, areas or habitats that should not come into contact with pesticides, use of personal protective equipment and proper disposal of waste pesticides.

NMDA continues to provide the public with outreach education in an effort to promote the safe and environmentally sound use of pesticides. With funding from – and in collaboration with – the United States Environmental Protection Agency, NMDA utilizes a number of outreach tools to address pesticide related topics including safety, disposal and considerations when employing a pest management professional.
NMDA holds free pesticide disposal events around the state each year to provide New Mexicans opportunities to safely dispose of unwanted pesticides. Over the past 14 years, NMDA has partnered with recycling companies and hosts to hold these events. Over 750,000 pounds of unwanted pesticides and their containers have been collected. Most recently, NMDA held pesticide disposal events in Farmington and Roswell in October. More than 11,900 pounds of waste pesticides were collected at the Farmington event, and more than 21,400 pounds of waste pesticides were collected at the Roswell event.

The first National Pesticide Safety Education Month was in 2018, and the purpose is to reinforce core principles of safe pesticide use with many audiences and raise awareness of and support for the land-grant university Pesticide Safety Education Programs. Both the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship provide pesticide-related information and resources.
For questions regarding pesticide compliance in New Mexico, please email or call 575-646-2134.
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