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New Mexico Department of Agriculture The letters NMDA with the D internaly shapped as the state of New Mexico. Logo

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Environmental Quality

NMDA’s Pesticide Compliance Section collaborates with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect New Mexico’s natural resources from pesticides.

Endangered Species

To better protect threatened and endangered species, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continues the development and placement of new labeling language for specific pesticide products. When applicable, the new label language directs the user of specific pesticide products to Environmental Protection Agency’s “Bulletin Live! Two” website. “Bulletins Live! Two”, is intended to contain updated information regarding specific pesticide use restrictions that are specific to location and to threatened and endangered species. New Mexico Department of Agriculture Pesticide Compliance, encourages users of pesticide products to read pesticide labels thoroughly and to pay specific attention to those directions regarding the use of “Bulletins Live! Two”.

For more information visit:

Water Resources

NMDA promotes the safe, effective use of pesticides, and encourages users to follow all label directions. They also encourage consideration of additional protective measures when endangered species or water resources may be affected. Always:

  • Choose the least-hazardous pesticide available to control the target pest
  • Apply it at the minimum effective rate
  • Leave a buffer zone around areas where species or water may be affected, such as natural areas or wetlands
  • Consider wildlife nesting, migration, and other behaviors when planning a pesticide application near potentially occupied sites


More information for pollinators coming soon.

NMDA registered products for use in managed beehives


For questions regarding the protection of endangered species and water resources from pesticides, email or telephone 575-646-2134.

Brad Lewis, AES Division Director  