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New Paraquat Training

-From US EPA: June 2024-

-From NPSEC: January 2021-

The paraquat training has been updated to meet the new paraquat label changes requiring closed-system transfer for quantities less than 120 gallons that went into effect December 31, 2020.

The updated training is now available in English in both formats, online and in-person. The online training is available at  and trainers can register to provide in-person training and download the materials at

Both versions of the Spanish training will also be updated soon.

If you have already registered to conduct the in-person training, you need to log in and download the new PowerPoint and assessment. If this is the first time you have accessed this information, you will need to register as a trainer and read the terms and conditions of the Trainer Agreement. By submitting this registration form you signify that you agree to the terms and conditions in the Trainer Agreement. You will then be able to download the materials.

Also, please note that below is the text of an email that was sent to all 27,000 participants who have successfully completed the English version of the paraquat training.

Please contact Courtney Weatherbee at if you have any questions or concerns.

Effective December 31, 2020, new regulations mandate that any paraquat products under 120 gallons distributed or sold by paraquat registrants require a closed system and do not allow jar testing. However, dealers and distributors are permitted to continue to sell paraquat products that do not meet the closed-system requirement until their stocks run out, and pesticide applicators may continue to use existing stocks according to the directions on the label of the product in their possession.

The English version of the paraquat training has been updated to reflect these changes and our team is working to get the Spanish training updated as soon as possible as well.

NOTE: This does NOT mean you need to retake the training. Your current certification is still valid until 3 years after the date of your training which is printed on your certificate.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the paraquat training.

Brad Lewis, AES Division Director  