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NMDA Cannabis sp. Registered Pesticides and Growth Regulators

Following the full federal legalization of hemp, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with crop protection manufacturers, state departments of agriculture, and state IR-4 programs (research program directed at testing crop protection products for registration in minor crops) are working to increase the availability of pesticides for the hemp industry. Because of the similarities between hemp and cannabis, with respect to being of the same plant species and with similar uses (topicals, ingestible, inhalants), New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) considers those pesticides that both EPA and the department have registered for hemp to also be registered for cannabis, precluding product labels that do exclude their use in hemp or cannabis.

Note that pesticides not listed (links below) are not legal for use in  Cannabis sp. (inclusive of hemp and cannabis) production in New Mexico.  The list of approved pesticides for  Cannabis sp. is updated as manufacturers complete the state’s registration process, and products have been reviewed and registered by NMDA staff. Contact the Pesticide Compliance Section office (575-646-2134) at any time with questions or to verify registration status of a pesticide.

Before using an NMDA registered product in  Cannabis sp. NMDA recommends producers understand the following:

  1. Always read and follow the pesticide label. Refer to the label for the most up to date information such as: re-entry intervals, pre-harvest intervals and all other use direction and safety precautions.
  2. Check with your extractor/processor/buyer to determine if they have any policies regarding pesticides. Some extractors/processors/buyers may reject your crop due to pesticide residues that can contaminate their solvent or equipment, not allowed in products they sell, or may render a crop unusable due to unpleasant taste (i.e. bud for inhalation).
  3. If you are growing for an end product that will be exported out of the country, there may be additional requirements and limitations for pesticide uses on your crop. 
Below are links to pesticides and growth regulators registered in New Mexico for use in  Cannabis sp.

The following link may be used to search pesticide product registrations. Please see instructions for assistance in locating pesticide product labels.