Contact: Sarah Roderick
Communications Assistant, New Mexico Department of Agriculture
Office: 575-646-1864
Oct. 3, 2022
New Mexico Department of Agriculture will host two pesticide disposal events in October
LAS CRUCES, N.M. – New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) will host two pesticide disposal events in October. The first event will be held Oct. 25 at the New Mexico Department of Transportation located at 10 Mystic Lane in Santa Fe (south of Buffalo Thunder Resort). The second event will be held Oct. 27 at Helena Enterprises located at 2537 Hwy. 140 in Rincon. Both events will take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
These events are free to the public and are available to all farmers, ranchers and New Mexico residents that need to dispose of unwanted pesticides. All types of pesticides will be collected, including, but not limited to, pesticide rinsate or treated seeds.
Pesticide disposal events are held multiple times a year throughout the state, giving the agricultural industry, pest control industry and the general public the opportunity to dispose of unwanted pesticides properly and safely.
“Pesticide disposal should be handled in a safe, proper manner, and that’s why these events are critical,” said Stephen Baca, NMDA Agricultural and Environmental Services Assistant Division Director. “We want to assist as many people in the state as we can with this service. We hope that homeowners, business owners and all others with pesticides to dispose of in Santa Fe and Rincon, and their surrounding areas, take advantage of this opportunity this month.”
NMDA has partnered with Clean Earth to ensure the proper disposal of all pesticides collected at the events.
“Clean Earth has enjoyed working with the state of New Mexico over the years to properly dispose of all pesticides collected during the events,” said Richard Creed, program manager at Clean Earth. “Proper pesticide waste disposal is an important part of responsible pesticide use. Improper disposal can lead to contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water.”
Individuals attending the event should stay inside their vehicle unless directed otherwise. Staff will direct traffic flow and obtain information as needed. Please follow the directions from NMDA staff to ensure the safety of those at the event. No registration is required to participate.
NMDA will not accept large pesticide gas cylinders due to safety concerns.
For more information regarding the pesticide events, please call 575-646-2134 or email
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