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Information for Workshop Sponsors

Agencies, associations and individuals can sponsor (host) a workshop for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). NMDA can award CEUs for topics related to the safe, effective use of pesticides. Each workshop is approved on a case-by-case basis. To apply for CEUs for a workshop or course, the sponsor must complete the application. It must be at least 15 business days before the workshop date. Your application should describe in detail any topics or sessions that cover the safe, effective use of pesticides.

Requirements for CEU Course Sponsors

1. Your course must pertain to at least one of the following topics:
Presentations relating to the safe, effective use of pesticides will be considered for CEUs. Examples of acceptable CEU topics include:

  • Pesticide label updates and comprehension
  • Pesticide safety/first aid
  • Effects of pesticides on the environment
  • Environmental factors affecting pesticide use and performance
  • Characteristics of pests, symptoms of pest infestation, and damage recognition
  • Pesticide product information
  • Application equipment, techniques and calibration
  • New Mexico and Federal pesticide laws and regulations

2.  Complete application at least 15 business days prior to course date.

3.  Fill out the application completely.

  • Do not submit multiple applications for the same course or conference.

4. Submit a complete agenda.
Make sure that you include a detailed agenda that includes:

  • Presentation titles
  • Presentation summaries
  • Time allotted per presentation
  • Speaker names along with their qualifications

One CEU will be assigned for one hour of approved instruction. The minimum number of CEUs for any one workshop is 1 CEU. CEUs may be General (includes core topics and most category topics). They may be 7D (wood-destroying pest control). They may also be M-44 or LPC (specific predator control).

5. Click the “register” button at the bottom of the page when the application is complete.
NOTE: you only need to click it once. 

You will receive an email that tells you that your course application has been submitted successfully. If you do not receive an email it means that your course did NOT go through.

To submit a CEU Course application please follow this link to USAPlants

fill out a Request for Pesticide Course Recertification Credit Assignment form

Sponsor Responsibilities

The sponsor of an approved course must provide at least one days notice of any changes. This includes the date, time, location or agenda of the course. Courses are subject to monitoring and evaluating by NMDA representatives free of charge.

Sponsors must return the completed attendance roster and certificates of completion to NMDA for CEU posting. This must be done after the conclusion of a course or activity, within 10 days.  This is particularly important for courses occurring in November and December. This is because licensees will be renewing their pesticide applicator licenses at the end of the calendar year.

Note: Course approvals expire on December 31 of the calendar year it was approved. Sponsors of ongoing courses must resubmit approval applications each year.

Contact NMDA if you have any questions at 575-646-2134 or

Brad Lewis, AES Division Director  